Dumpster Rental in Riverdale, Iowa

Please select a dumpster size for Riverdale, IA roll-off dumpster details and pricing:

  • Junk Removal
  • 10 Yard 10 Yard Dumpster
  • 20 Yard 20 Yard Dumpster
  • 30 Yard 30 Yard Dumpster

Choose a dumpster size from above.

Junk Removal

Junk Removal
Minimum to 1 cubic yard Minimum to 1 cubic yard Starting at $60.00*
1 to 2 cubic yards 1 to 2 cubic yards Starting at $120.00*
2 to 3 cubic yards 2 to 3 cubic yards Starting at $180.00*
3 to 4 cubic yards 3 to 4 cubic yards Starting at $240.00*
  Additional yards Starting at $60.00 per cubic yard*

Perfect for couches, chairs, furniture, appliances, mattresses, etc. - we come haul it away for you! Additional charges may be incurred depending on distance traveled and other factors.

10 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions Length 12' x Height 3.5' x Width 8'

Haul Rate $495

Daily Rental Charge $10 after 14 days

Additional Tonnage Charge $44/ton after 4000 pounds

Fits well in residential driveways. Common uses include small debris cleanups, small or tight locations. Holds up to 20 squares of roofing.

20 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions Length 20' x Height 4' x Width 8'

Haul Rate $545

Daily Rental Charge $10 after 14 days

Additional Tonnage Charge $44/ton after 6000 pounds

Excellent for home clean-outs and a favorite of contractors. Holds up to 40 squares of roofing. Fits in some residential driveways.

30 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions Length 20' x Height 6' x Width 8'

Haul Rate $595

Daily Rental Charge $10 after 14 days

Additional Tonnage Charge $44/ton after 8000 pounds

Great for large house clean-outs, large construction projects. Fits in some residential driveways. Our most economical dumpster.

Why Do Folks In Riverdale, Iowa Or Bettendorf 52722 Rent Dumpsters?

Roll off containers are a safe and efficient way of ridding your environment of clutter in Bettendorf, Riverdale, Ia.  If you are doing a project that will generate waste through clean-outs, remodeling, roofing tear off, general business activities, etc, renting a dumpster might be a beneficial because:

  • Metal bins are an efficient and cost effective when compared to hiring a full service junk removal company. Loading your own roll off saves you money and eliminates the need for others to enter your home.
  • Save time as compared to using a pick up truck to haul your own waste to the landfill.
  • Roll offs are environmentally friendly as they eliminate the waste materials from coming in contact with their surroundings.
  • Metal waste bins keep your project clean and debris free while you complete your work.
  • Renting a roll off in Bettendorf, Ia allows you to work at your own pace. Equipment can be rented for extended periods of time allowing for environmentally sound waste management throughout your entire project.

Some Questions You Might Want To Ask Your Quad Cities Dumpster Company In Scott County, Iowa 

If you are considering ordering a dumpster in Bettendorf, you might want to ask your garbage collection company, garbage removal companies, waste removal company:

  • Are you a local company. More specifically, where are your trucks and  roll off boxes located.  Many companies that are advertised on the internet are out-of-state waste brokers.
  • What are the various charges associated with renting a dumpster from your company. You don’t want to be surprised with hidden charges.
  • What permits are required to rent a dumpster in my area?
  • What type of insurance does, or doesn’t, your company carry. Liability, auto, etc?
  • Does my city require a permit to place a roll off on the street in front of my property?

Questions About Dumpster Rental In Bettendorf?  We Have Answers! 

If you are renting a dumpster for your Bettendorf residence, business, or job site, you might have questions about how the process works.  If so, we have answers at (563) 424-6066 .   We want to learn more about your project and answer questions regarding:

  • Prices associated with roll off rental in your area.
  • Where to locate equipment once delivery truck arrives on your site.
  • Payment options. You don’t need an account with us to get a bin.
  • Permit requirements for bin rental in your area.
  • Other various concerns you may have regarding roll off box usage.

Great Dumpster Service In Bettendorf, Quad Cities Or Riverdale, Iowa 

We believe in great customer service for our waste management customers in the Quad Cities Iowa area. We understand that most folks renting dumpsters consider it and their project somewhat stressful.  So our goal is to make roll off container rental quick, easy and hassle free.  Our knowledgeable staff are experienced at helping you get the right size bin for your project so the equipment fits your needs.

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Items We Accept

  • Appliance Removal
  • Carpet Removal
  • Computer Recycling
  • Dumpster Alternative
  • Furniture removal
  • Garbage Removal
  • Leaf Removal
  • Mattress Disposal
  • Monitor Recycling
  • Refrigerator Recycling
  • Rubbish Removal
  • TV Recycling
  • Tire Recycling
  • Trash Removal

We Don't Accept

  • Chemicals
  • Liquids
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Oil
  • Ammunition
  • Propane Tanks
  • Hazardous Waste

* Additional charges will also be levied for those items/materials which need special disposal/processing such as electronic waste, appliances, tires, etc. Our fees are based on junk materials being placed in a truck accessible area, time to load being less than 10 minutes per cubic yard, and waste weighing less than 250 pounds per cubic yard. Extra fees will be charged in Quad Cities if waste is heavy (dirt, gravel, shingles, concrete, block etc.) or if waste is not in a truck accessible area or difficult to handle/load, resulting in excess time to load.